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Tasha warm, friendly personality will help ease you into a detailed and highly accurate psychic reading. Needing no prompting, she can dive right into a general reading with you or will answer whatever specific questions are currently on your mind. She can provide great insight with quick answers, giving realistic predictions and accurate time frames. It is obvious that Laura Marie always has her caller’s best interest in mind, as she excels in helping you manifest your hopes, dreams, and success.
Tasha had psychic abilities since the age of 10, when a lightning bolt struck above her head, sending a blue light around the room and surrounding her with a bright, white energy field. Through the use of her clairvoyant gift, she is inspired without the use of tools, tuning into those relevant to a situation by hearing their first name, and/or, if you choose, by divining with tarot, oracle cards and I Ching, to fine tune your answers. A professional psychic for over 25 years, Laura Marie truly enjoys helping others gain confidence and shift perspective in order to help you achieve the personal goals in your life.

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