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I'm an intuitive tarot and gypsy card reader. I do real, personalized readings, offer meaningful insights about future events and general life directions, giving advice on what is the best way to proceed. I can help you decide between choices, help to decide right and to avoid problems and bad outcomes.
I'm extremely down to earth and my readings are realistic. I objectively look at a client's situation and try to unravel patterns. I combine different divination tools in order to get the full picture.
- I Ching
- Pendulum
- Horary astrology
- Runes.
- Finding missing objects and persons.
- Dream analysis.
I offer deep insights in any kind of situation, especially when relationships👫 , love 💘 and any other kind of partnership are in question.
Choices and decisions are always on the client. Always. I can present you with tendencies and general insights. I’m not religious but deeply believe in God, Deus ex Machina, or an Unexpected force that suddenly appears and fixes things, so I become aware that no divination system can really enter into the far future and that our free will has a main role in our lives. All major life changes can be only partly predicted and definite outcomes cannot be seen, which is good because we always have space and time and means to willingly decide about the situation that bothers us. After all, our lives are subject to unexpected factors and surprises, fortunes as well as misfortunes, and no psychic can change that or intervene.
I have 20 years of experience in Tarot cards and Gypsy fortune-telling cards. Since 1999 I have been practicing I Ching. I was interested in divination since my early teenage years, along with psychology, psychiatry, and criminal forensic psychology. Learning almost all major world's divination systems was a logical consequence.
I Ching was my first divination love, then Astrology came along, then Tarot cards, Gypsy fortune telling cards, and pendulum too. Tarot is a great tool for seeing the present life phase, along with Astrology. Fortune-telling cards are an interesting way to enter into everyday events. I have many satisfied private clients, with whom I cooperate for years. They are asking me for insight and guidance every time the problem jumps out.
I love to analyze dreams and my extra focus goes on finding missing persons and objects.
Concentration exercises made miracles for my intuition, and brought me even to a state of visions of exact future scenes and exact sentences someone will say. I've also had strong symbolic dreams. But....I’m a pragmatic person, standing firmly, with both feet on the ground, not letting the other side rule over the real, everyday world, so the advice I give you will never be too spiritual, but very realistic and earthy.
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